Thursday, August 28, 2008

August 28 2008

We arrived in Verona a bit worse for wear and learned a few lessons about trying to fit too much into a 24 hour period. Lesson 1. Do not expect to sleep on the plane. Lesson 2. The Roman taxi drivers will rip you off. Lesson 3. Later.

Drips and draps of group showing up at hotel. It is all still an bit anxious making and will be greatly relieved when we reach the end of the day tomorrow after the first day in the saddle. Ciao bene and more later.


Susannah Horton said...

o you two crazies..can't wait to here more about your adventures! (hope today brought you a whole lot of suffering)

by the way..I was in southbury using your credit card for school shopping and I thought of calling you to get coffee at starbuckies...alas, you are it italia! and also, when I was running today I saw a group of bikers speeding down the new pavement on squire rd..zephyrs of course!
dont' drink too much vino
don't climb too many mountains
don't get caught up with those italian gypsies
but do have lots of a sponge daddio!

Whitney said...

Have tons of fun!! I am sure you two are already having tons of fun. A bit of advise for international travel: Negotiate the taxi first. Oh and a headache at altitude is much worse, so don't drink too much vino.
Spin on Dad and Cam!

Heidi Rankin said...

I wish I were a fly on your shoulders as you spin up those mountains. I could cheer you on and witness your pain!!

While you may be inclined to keep your head down as you work hard, I encourage you to lift your head and drink it all in.

...and speaking of drinking it all in, have a glass of red for me!
love to you both

Unknown said...

As part of the inaugural Dolomite adventure last year, I'll enjoy reading your postings. Great trip, great climbs, and can't ever drink too much wine. Enjoy the Stelvio, a beautiful series of climbs.